Friday 5 August 2011


Today we took a trip into Noosa, a city further north on the Sunshine Coast.  Noosa is a very beautiful city full of beaches, shopping, and a National Park.  We spent the day checking out all three.  First we visited the beach, which was filled with surfers.  Noosa is a very popular place to catch some waves and go surfing.  There are multiple beaches and bays in Noosa and every single place had a ton of surfers chilling in the beautiful blue water.  The ocean water was a crisp clear blue and the sand was soft and white, which makes Noosa a place full of perfect beaches.  

So many surfers EVERYWHERE!

Right on the other side of the sand dunes was a road that went right down the middle of a town full of places to shop.  The shops were all very cute and beachy and the walkways were very enjoyable with the topical plants lining the way.  We walked the sidewalks and checked out multiple stores.  Most of the stores were clothing, surfing, jewelry, and souvenir stores.  We stopped at a Gelato shop and enjoyed some delicious snacks, and then continued on checking out the many stores Noosa had to offer.   

When we came to the end of the shopping section of Noosa we continued walking until we entered into the Noosa National Park.  The path into the park was along the cliff of the coastline, which was so beautiful!  As you are walking along the path you can see tropical plants and trees on your right hand side and then you can look to the left and see the ocean.  You hear birds singing in the trees and the waves crashing along the cliff.  Two beautiful sounds that you could never get tired of hearing, it sounded exactly like paradise.  Every time you looked out into the ocean you could see surfers catching waves.  There were so many surfers!  We were also lucky enough to spot some dolphins riding the waves.  We watched from above as the dolphins swam by.  It was a beautiful sight.  The water was so clear so you could watch the dolphins even when they were under water.  They are such majestic animals and I was so excited to be able to watch them swim by.   We continued our walk to the very end of the park which is named Hell’s Gates.  It got its name because the area is just a straight cliff line down to the water, where waves come pounding in against the rocks.  It was a pretty sight but it was definitely not a place you would want to fall or swim in, unless you wanted to get crushed.  After leaving Hell’s Gates we decided to take a different path back to town.  This path went further inland instead of along the cliff.  We were hoping to find Koalas, but had no luck.  Even though we didn’t find much wildlife on our walk back, it was still very much a big adventure as we were trying to fight time.  We had to hurry back before the sun set and it got too dark to see and we also had a bus to catch.  Fortunately, we made it back just in time.  Our feet were killing us by the end of the day because we walked sooooooo far, but it was totally worth the trip. 

Noosa National Park


Another Dolphin!
Hell's Gate

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