Sunday 7 August 2011

Under Water World

Today we went into Mooloolaba to visit Under Water World.  Holly interns and volunteers here so she was able to show us around the aquarium and tell us all about the numerous animals they have.  We started off the day watching a seal show, which was quite humorous.  The seals performed very well and could do many funny and cool tricks.  The show was quite entertaining and the seals were so cute! 
After the show we walked around the aquarium which was awesome.  Since Holly works here, it was like having our own personal tour guide.  She knew almost every kind of fish and could tell us cool facts about them all.  When we got to the shark tank, Holly was able to point out each different kind of shark and was even able to tell us what their personal names were.  It was so cool!  They have Bull Sharks, Grey Nurse Sharks, Black Tip and White Tip Sharks, Hammerheads, Sandbar Whalers, and many others.  And by the end of the day I was able to point out the different types of sharks.

Since Holly works at Under Water World she was able to bring us behind the scenes for a free little tour.  By being behind the scenes we were able to see the multiple turtles that have been rescued and are in rehabilitation right now, and juvenile animals like baby sharks, sting rays, and other fish.  By being behind the scenes, we were also able to walk on a small walkway that was built over the shark tanks.  We were able to lean over and watch the sharks and fish from above which was so cool!  We were so close to them!  From this view we could tell how big these animals really are (because when you look through the glass from below they look 30% smaller).  They were huge!  While watching from above we were also able to see the tips of the shark’s fins out of the water, it was like a scene from Jaws!  It was so cool to be able to be that close to the sharks and still be a safe distance away.  Being able to go behind the scenes of this aquarium was an awesome experience and something I will never forget.

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